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Republic 35


REPUBLIC will celebrate its 35th birthday next year. To celebrate this special anniversary, the audience is invited to a joint celebration on 1 February 2025 at the MVM Dome.

By the end of the year following its foundation in 1990, the classic line-up of Republic was born, consisting of László Bódi Cipő, Csaba Boros, László Attila Nagy, Tamás Patai and Zoltán Tóth, who shared the joy, success and tasks of their work for more than 20 years. They have won numerous professional awards, prizes, countless gold, platinum and diamond records, as well as hits.

On 11 March 2013, the band reached the most difficult period of its career. The death of musician-songwriter-singer Bódi László Cipő was both a tragedy for Republic and a tragedy for the Hungarian music scene. Eleven years have passed since then, but Csaba Boros, Tamás Patai, Attila László Nagy and Gábor Halász have created a strong and renewed creative community, and they will never forget Cipő. The first and last song of the concerts is always his, his voice is always heard, and it will stay that way. Their success has been unbroken ever since, with 3 studio albums, 2 live albums and many live performances to prove that they are worthy of continuing.

Their big birthday concert will feature their greatest hits such as "Repül a bálna", "Szeretni valakit valamiért", "Engedj közelebb", "Ha itt lennél velem", "67-es út", "Kék és narancssárga", "Szállj el kismadár", to name but a few. But you will also hear new hits like "Rajzoljunk álmokat", "Élni jó", "Odavisz a szél", "Balatoni lányok" and a brand new song that hasn't been officially released yet, "Ki van a házban". 

The concert at the MVM Dome on 1 February 2025 will be a fitting conclusion to a truly wonderful anniversary, with a special line-up and guests.

VIP Platinum Lounge

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